Getting organized with personal tax checklists will make your tax return preparation smoother, and ensure that you’re able to maximize your tax deductions. They also help guide what you should be tracking throughout the year. Use them to help you ensure you’re recording all of the various deductions and information that you’re going to need. Trying to remember a deduction 8 months later means a missed deduction!
Personal tax checklists for download
Each of the personal tax checklists is a fillable PDF that you can save and use each year to help with your personal tax organization. To download a checklist, click one of the links below. It will open in a new window, and you can then download and save this to your computer.
*For the Real Estate Rentals Checklist, fill out one checklist per property.
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For additional resources related to the tax deadlines, see:
If you’re interested in some quick tips of tax savings, check out the following articles:
More questions?
Still have questions about saving taxes, or tax deadlines? I want to help you Do wonderful things®, so please contact me today.
Remember – circumstances are unique! This information is summary in nature. Seek out advice from your tax advisor about your specific situation.